Painting Blogs

: Week 3 - Why do I even need more Winged Tyrants?

: Week 2 - Maybe I can make progress now?

: Week 1 - Starting again

: 2024 Week thirty-one Painting Blog - The end

: 2024 Week thirty Painting Blog - Great, now I'm into Necromunda too

: 2024 Week twenty-nine Painting Blog - Oh rats

: 2024 Week twenty-eight Painting Blog - Rats and rats and rats and rats

: 2024 Week twenty-seven Painting Blog - New toy time

: 2024 Week twenty-six Painting Blog - Don't get distracted. Ohh new model.

: 2024 Week twenty-five Painting Blog - Why would you ever paint a Stompa?

: 2024 Week twenty-four Painting Blog - Moonstoning

: 2024 Week twenty-three Painting Blog - Finishing some Malifaux

: 2024 Week twenty-two Painting Blog - Stompy Things

: 2024 Week twenty-one Painting Blog - He's just a tree really.

: 2024 Week twenty Painting Blog - 500 Dwarves

: 2024 Week nineteen Painting Blog - Unexpected Stormcast

: 2024 Week eighteen Painting Blog - Age of Sigmar Slowdown

: 2024 Week seventeen Painting Blog - Oh look, a new game

: 2024 Week sixteen Painting Blog - Onto some undead

: 2024 Week fifteen Painting Blog - Undercoating all the minis

: 2024 Week fourteen Painting Blog - Journalists and Drop Pods

: 2024 Week thirteen Painting Blog - Dreamy

: 2024 Week twelve Painting Blog - Massive Progress

: 2024 Week eleven Painting Blog - There's a lot of coding for a hobby blog.

: 2024 Week ten Painting Blog - More Marines

: 2024 Week nine Painting Blog - Unexpected Malifaux

: 2024 Week eight Painting Blog - Back to Marines

: 2024 Week seven Painting Blog - Blacker than black

: 2024 Week six Painting Blog - Sticking ears on a pig.

: 2024 Week five Painting Blog - Spaceships

: 2024 Week four Painting Blog - Gobbos

: 2024 Week three Painting Blog - Dire Avenger models are Dire

: 2024 Week two Painting Blog - Finishing a kill team!

: 2024 Week two Painting Blog - Finishing models for a change

: 2024 Week one Painting Blog - New Year, More Models

: 2023 Week Fifty-two Painting Blog - Oh crap it's the last week of the year.

: 2023 Week Fifty-one Painting Blog - How do tiny models take so long to paint?

: 2023 Week Fifty Painting Blog - No progress

: 2023 Week Forty-nine Painting Blog - Tiny amounts of progress on tiny things.

: 2023 Week Forty-eight Painting Blog - Tiny Spacemen

: 2023 Week Forty-seven Painting Blog - Who is the law again?

: 2023 Week Forty-six Painting Blog - More Malifaux

: 2023 Week Forty-five Painting Blog - When did this become a pig painting blog anyway?

: 2023 Week Forty-four Painting Blog - Back to actually making progress.

: 2023 Week Forty-three Painting Blog - Back to Malifaux

: 2023 Week Forty-two Painting Blog - When in doubt paint Tyranids

: 2023 Week Forty-one Painting Blog - Painting something more interesting

: 2023 Week Forty Painting Blog - Maybe I should paint models I like?

: 2023 Week Thirty-nine Painting Blog - Back to making progress? No chance.

: 2023 Week Thirty-eight Painting Blog - Progress is an illusion. Again.

: 2023 Week Thirty-seven Painting Blog - Injury stops play

: 2023 Week Thirty-six Painting Blog - It'll be fine as long as I can still walk

: 2023 Week Thirty-five Painting Blog - Catching up again

: 2023 Week Thirty-four Painting Blog - The illusion of progress

: 2023 Week Thirty-three Painting Blog - I'm falling behind

: 2023 Week Thirty-two Painting Blog - How do you paint a landscape on a pig?

: 2023 Week Thirty-one Painting Blog - Models with silly names

: 2023 Week Thirty Painting Blog - Another scenery week.

: 2023 Week Twenty-nine Painting Blog - Mostly looking at the scenery

: 2023 Week Twenty-eight Painting Blog - Coming up on the first century

: 2023 Week Twenty-seven Painting Blog - Getting distracted by Tyranids

: 2023 Week Twenty-six Painting Blog - That's a lot of things on the painting table for the month.

: 2023 Week Twenty-five Painting Blog - At least there isn't a massive new 40k boxed set releasing this week

: 2023 Week Twenty-four Painting Blog - Finishing models is for achievers and other degenerates

: 2023 Week Twenty-three Painting Blog - At least I finished a model this week

: 2023 Week Twenty-two Painting Blog - 150 days of painting

: 2023 Week Twenty-one Painting Blog - Must. Finish. Models.

: 2023 Week Twenty Painting Blog - AoS slows me down

: 2023 Week Nineteen Painting Blog - Nice weather means less painting

: 2023 Week Eighteen Painting Blog - Will the gold never end?

: 2023 Week Seventeen Painting Blog - 10 man strong units are too large

: 2023 Week Sixteen Painting Blog - I miss Malifaux

: 2023 Week Fifteen Painting Blog - 100 days down

: 2023 Week Fourteen Painting Blog - Gears in motion, orks in the can

: 2023 Week Thirteen Painting Blog - So, so many orks

: 2023 Week Twelve Painting Blog - How can I paint this much and have no progress to show?

: 2023 Week Eleven Painting Blog - Who has gold armour anyway?

: 2023 Week Ten Painting Blog - They're basically just rocks?

: 2023 Week Nine Painting Blog - Can I get a Witness?

: 2023 Week Eight Painting Blog - All the Criids

: 2023 Week Seven Painting Blog - All the Criids

: 2023 Week Six Painting Blog - All the Criids

: 2023 Week Five Painting Blog - Necrons!

: 2023 Week Four Painting Blog - Back to 40k

: 2023 Week Three Painting Blog - Explorer's Society Starter

: 2023 Week Two Painting Blog - Witness core box

: 2023 Week One Painting Blog - Getting started with painting week 1 of 2023

: First Post - Why have a website in this day and age?