2023 Week Fifty-one Painting Blog
Hobbystreak day 352.
Tiny spacemen painting.
Got a package from GW which had my made to order from a month or two ago. Deathwatch Watch Captain Artemis, which I got on a whim because Deathwatch are intersting and the old original Terminator Rune Priest, which is in finecast. Luckily most of the problems they used to have with that are gone and that old classic metal Terminator look from around the time of Space Hulk is just such a classic look.
Hobbystream day 353.
Built a building for Imperialis and grumbled about how fiddly it was getting things straight.
Hobbystreak day 354.
Did some touching up on tiny dreadnaughts.
Hobbystreak day 355.
My painting is really in a holding pattern at the moment, but added a tiny bit of yellow to a tiny thing and that still counts.
Hobbystreak day 356.
Painted the smallest area of black you can imagine to touch up a tiny dreadnaught.
Hobbystreak day 357.
Grabbed the new Killteam release, maybe that should be my goal for next year? Actually paint killteams.
Did a bit on the marine from the latest Space Marine Heroes release. They’re a killteam.
Hobbystreak day 358.
Christmas Eve and I built some more Space Marine Heroes Intercessors. I think them being a fully painted Killteam is a nice easy goal.