2024 Week two Painting Blog

🞀 🞂


Hobbystreak day 373 (08 January 2024).

I’m not crushing it on numbers this year yet. Stupid getting distracted by light colour cloaks, and also working all weekend at stupid hours because of reasons. Did some more cloaks and added some copper to the eagles on the marines.

I also undercoated 10 minis with the Zarbag’s Gitz Underworlds warband I assembled a few months ago. No they’re not the Dire Avengers. I have choice paralysis on those with the Exarch weapon options. Should I go with duel catapults and assume that they’ll FAQ them to not suck because they’re the best choice if they’re slightly better and they’re rubbish for reasons I can’t understand.

Ended the evening playing Darktide for the first time. Their representation of a 40k hiveworld seems a lot more interesting than the scenery we get for 40k. Where are the mini benches so you can have a good sit down? The game has them.


Hobbystreak day 374 (09 January 2024).

Next stormbringer arrived (late, because delays caused by expiring credit cards) so that’s two extra new minis for the pile. I’m getting behind on them so I need to crack on.

Issue three of Purple Warlock (the Spellcrow magazine for their games) also turned up today and the mini is a fantastic looking Gnome Engineer.

I’ve been thinking about the new 40k partwork that’s coming that’s based on Combat Patrols. The more I think about it the more ideal I think that idea is.

Grabbed Zarbag’s Gitz now that their undercoat is dry and slapped some red on the two squiggs. I wish that 40k had something similar to these Underworlds kits. Killteam doesn’t really do it as just a box of option less unique models could do some really obscure corners of the universe.


Hobbystreak day 375 (10 January 2024).

Starting the day with a goal of completing two models.

Repainted the eye lenses on the current marines I’m working on in orange from red and I think I like it a lot better. The red was getting a bit lost in the green because it just wasn’t bright enough to stand out. Now they have a bit more of a visual focus when you look at them.

Started trying to put together the cat catchers as well. They’re in transparent green plastic which takes plastic glue terribly and makes trying to work out how all the tiny parts go together really hard.


Hobbystreak day 376 (11 January 2024).

Busy day so all I did was pick off some metals on the marines and their bases.

Sprayed the first cat catcher white. I hate transparent plastic. Did I mention that?

I also pre-ordered the next few months of Malifaux minis because I don’t learn.

Proper painting wise I did all the bases for the marines.


Hobbystreak day 377 (12 January 2024).

Swapped out the nozzle on my 3D printer to a 0.2 and started printing some more scenery then did some on two of the marines.


Hobbystreak day 378 (13 January 2024).

I want to finish some minis this week so back to work on the marines. Did lots of coats of slighly brighter greens to give the armour some highlights and interest. Just some detail work on them now and they’re done.

Did some work on the first cat catcher for Malifaux but not sure I like the colours.

The scenery for Killzone: Bheta-Decima arrived so I started to assemble that.


Hobbystreak day 379 (14 January 2024).

Started painting up the squigs from Zarbag’s Gitz as they’re a nice easy win to get off my desk. And Squigs are cool. I even managed to finish them today so that’s four models painted this week. This leaves my average this year so far at one model every 2 days, which is respectable.

I also did some undercoating on the biggest killzone Bheta-Decima piece. I think all that scenery shouldn’t take too long to paint if I don’t go mad on it. I just need to remember what shade of green I used.

Lastyly I wrote some code to read Battlescribe data and used it to generate a list of all the models in each Killteam. Next I’ll use that to pre-populate pages on the site so that I don’t have to type things when I start a new killteam. I spend so much time and effort trying to be lazy. It’ll also work for other game systems too, but it’s a shame that there isn’t a Malifaux data file for it to save me a lot of typing.