2023 Week One Painting Blog

🞀 🞂

The first week of the year is always the easiest when it comes to making the changes you want to make that year (I don’t want to say new year resolutions as they’re destined to fail) but so far I’m pretty happy with my progress. Instead of spamming Mastodon with #HobbyStreak posts I thought I’d spam weekly blog posts instead.


Oh, the 1st of the Month is a Sunday is it? Awkward place to start my week. I’m much more of a Monday kind of guy.

Starting the year as I meant to go on I got most of Damian Ravencroft ( from the Malifaux Ravencroft Core Box) painted and I’m going to focus on getting that box painted this week.

I also worked on this website.


Flush from my success yesterday I started on The Puzzle Box, Damian’s totum and gave it a Golden Demon worthy paint job of just three colours.

I then got to work on Bellaventine Thorpe to round of the non-minions for that crew.


Some work on Dabblers today for the Witness crew, I like how the minions are so different from each other.

I started building the Wyrdscapes Abandoned Store. I may have ordered as much of the range as I could find as I’m a sucker for nice looking scenery and it’s a real shame that Wyrd seem to have abandoned the line after the first releases. I suspect the prices didn’t help.

As the madness overtakes me I worked on this website some more and now the pages for Malifaux Factions and Keywords are autogenerated. As I add more models to the backend it’ll automatically fill those out and I’ll be able to see at a glance what I have. I’m even adding the stuff that’s in the pile of shame/potential to it in order of guilting myself into painting it all.

On the GW side the killteam/Warcry/Underworlds (will become more visible with more progress) can stay manual.


The important thing about getting interested in a new game is to keep the number of unpainted figures you have down as far as possible. This means only buying exactly what you need.

Anyway more Malifaux arrived today. Since I started with the Witness keyword and they’re new I thought I might as well get them all, so the Untold Tales box which has the Unbound version of Damien Ravencroft. And the Forward and Back box because I liked the minis and oh dear this isn’t ending well is it?

I also grabbed a Malifaux Iconic box - Scorch of the Soul. It’s a great idea for a release. An alternative model for an existing character for the game and a 75mm version to paint up as a nice display project. In this case it’s not exactly the same model in both cases as there’s an extra person on the large scale one. I really like the idea of these and might grab some more. It’s one of those arguments about why 3D printing is better as you can do the larger scale figures without any hassle, but in this case it’s a nice off the shelf way of getting them since my resin printer is in storage.

Keeping up with the painting progress I cracked on with the Dabblers and finished assembling on the Abandoned Store. It seems like the interior is all detailed and the walls are push fit to help painting it. Which is nice. What’s less than nice is figuring out what goes where, but I got there in the end. I think I’ll wait a bit before assembling the next house…

Random thought: Do I want this site to have individual pages for each malifaux model? It’s doable..

Other random thought: I was going to finish my Kroot killteam as the first project this year. Oops.

Yet another random thought: Should I do a video roundup of each month’s painting results?


More malifaux turned up today. In my defense it was the Ulix core box because who doesn’t want to do a Pig based crew?

More painting of the Witness crew today. Chipping away at the three Dabbler minions, but it’s reminded me that I really hate painting smoke like things. Or clouds. Or water. Not as much as I hate painting fire, which I’m sure I’ll get to complain about soon enough. The storm cloud for the lightning Dabbler didn’t come out anywhere near as good as I hoped so I think I’ll have to have a rethink the next time I try something like that.


Quiet day today with some more minion work. Only a few minutes, but it was progress after all.

There may have been a massive distraction of my new 3D printer arriving. It’s filiment and not resin so not for mini printing, but is useful for the hobby.


Not much painting today, too much time spent setting up/tweaking/playing with 3D printers. Did get a bit more done on the Dabblers though.


8 days in a week? Stupid year started a day early. Well didn’t finish the Crew this week but I can get that done soon. Just highlights to go and I’m done on the Witness core box and deciding what to paint next. Which I’ll not think about until after they’re done because I’ll never finish them otherwise!

I also need to set up a dedicated photography corner so I can take easy pictures that are nice.