2024 Week twenty-nine Painting Blog

🞀 🞂


Hobbystreak day 569 (Monday 22 July 2024).

Did some more on the Skaven.


Hobbystreak day 570 (Tuesday 23 July 2024).

A bit of highlighting on the Skaven. Don’t want to do too much as I want them to remain a bit dirty looking.


Hobbystreak day 571 (Wednesday 24 July 2024).

Built a set of Zone Mortalis walls in anticipation of the new Necromunda box. It’s shocking I know, but I have a stack of unbuilt Necromunda scenery. They’ll also make nice photography backdrops.


Hobbystreak day 572 (Thursday 25 July 2024).

Airbrushed one of the Zone Mortalis tiles with Model Air Concrete and I think i like it as a floor colour.


Hobbystreak day 573 (Friday 26 July 2024).

Did some more necromunda scenery assembly and painted a Skaven banner brown. The progress is almost noticable.


Hobbystreak day 574 (Saturday 27 July 2024).

Bit more work on the Skaven, they’re nearly done now, and assembled the first five Stormcast from Skaventide.


Hobbystreak day 575 (Sunday 28 July 2024).

More skaven!