2024 Week eleven Painting Blog

🞀 🞂


Hobbystreak day 443 (18 March 2024).

Printed out some more Malifaux base toppers and glued them on. This week I need to at least start Sightless Snow, Ceddra, Ezekiel and the Mindless Zombies if I want to keep on top of this year’s Malifaux releases. Now where’s my new rulebook?


Hobbystreak day 444 (19 March 2024).

Actually played Malifaux last night. I know!

Bit more work on Kari Zotiko and some work on the site. Let’s see if I can’t get a complete list of cards on here…


Hobbystreak day 445 (20 March 2024).

Bit of back and forth on Kari Zotiko’s coat and trim and some data management for Malifaux cards. Turns out there is a (probably) definitive list of 3rd edition cards, but I’d probably best not say where just in case.


Hobbystreak day 446 (21 March 2024).

Zokito is done bar the black around the base rim.

Did you know that Wyrd release their Malifaux card images as PDFs? Most annoying and I didn’t keep the code I used on it last time. Wrangled the data so all but 200odd card fronts are showing. Will have to be creative about the ones that they don’t have officially in their dropbox.

Now when will they update that for the new expansion?


Hobbystreak day 447 (22 March 2024).

Zokito is finished.

One of the things I want to add to the site (the basics are already there for some models) is to show what box they come in. It’s difficult sometimes to figure out what to buy even for the normal stuff, but there being an obscure model you really want (say, ribbon dancers being held in the air by flying Moneys) it would be good to know what to even search for.

Goal is to have the first stage of the data update done when this post goes live. I just need to generate all the pages still and reimplement a system for what I own and what I have painted to go along with it. And make the shortcuts for linking to models easier from the blog easier. And… And…

Time to take stock at what’s on the table. Five half painted marines, and 8 Malifaux models. Not a bad target for end of the month I think especially as a bunch of those Malifaux models are zombies.


Hobbystreak day 448 (23 March 2024).

Started on the Mindless Zombie skins.

This is one of the things that I think that Malifaux does well where Games Workshop doesn’t. These new Mindless Zombies are new sculpts of existing models that put them into a different faction’s aesthetics and I’m all for that. Interchangeable from a gameplay point of view but means you have options. It’s the same with the special edition models. They’re just new sculpts of existing models so you never miss out gameplay wise. Obsessive collecting wise yes…

Lots more website work too. Wrangling a new Malifaux dataset that should be a lot more flexible.


Hobbystreak day 449 (24 March 2024).

Website work. Does nobody have a full list of all the cards? Everybody is missing some as far as I can see.

The new website should display (when I have all the data) all of the variants of each model with their card front. It’s going to be an ongoing task to get all the missing alts in there, but I do like a nice research project.

More Malifaux painting. Need to get a load painted next week so I’m well on the way.