2024 Week five Painting Blog
Hobbystreak day 401 (05 February 2024).
Been so busy this week that I’ve not even updated these entries and am doing in on Sunday.
Lots of 3D printing and did some work on the Gobbo bases.
Hobbystreak day 402 (06 February 2024).
More breaking down kits into document wallets for storage.
Hobbystreak day 403 (07 February 2024).
3D printing and a new Kit arrived. One of my goals this year is to actually break my fear of the finish on Star Trek ships and build/paint some so all this week I’ve got 1:1000 kits arriving. Reliant and Enterprise-A are the first and the hunt for their Aztek kits starts.
Hobbystreak day 404 (08 February 2024).
Obsessed about accuracy of Reliant models today. The Eaglemosss XL model I have seems to actually be more of the Saratoga, which is the state the filming model was in the last time it was sold at auction. Only the blue lights on the nacelles are wrong. Luckily the film was finally released in 4K a few months back and so I now have really good references.
Never let it be said that I’m not obsessive about things. Also the 1:1000 Defiant kit turned up.
Glared at the Gobbos.
Hobbystreak day 405 (09 February 2024).
The 1:1000 Oberth and Bird of Prey kit arrived today. I’m very odd in that I really like the Oberth as a ship even if it is silly as you can’t get from one hull to the other without transporters. I always really liked the idea that the Star Fleet crew lived up top and the scientists below and they never mingled.
Hobbystreak day 406 (10 February 2024).
More tidying up as I try and avoid the piles of boxes that threaten to fall over and bury me alive.
Washed some of the strings/net on the Gobbos with Ratling Grime, which is a really nice go to paint for such things.
Hobbystreak day 407 (11 February 2024).
All of my unpainted Malifaux is now in nicely accessible boxes. In the optimistic hope that I finish the Gobbos this week as I’ve only been picking at them instead of actually getting them done I’ve decided that my next project will be the Malifaux lucky fate box because who wouldn’t want to paint this.