2024 Week eight Painting Blog

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Hobbystreak day 422 (26 February 2024).

Time to tackle stone on the malifaux models. We have a statue and three gravestones so I painted them neutral grey for a bright neutral grey and then white drybrush.


Hobbystreak day 423 (27 February 2024).

Lots of work on the malifaux and Gobbos.


Hobbystreak day 424 (28 February 2024).

More work on the malifaux and Gobbos as I want to finish them tomorrow.


Hobbystreak day 425 (29 February 2024).

Finished off 15! models today. Workbench is nearly clear. That’s 3 Camerabots, 3 Ghost Lights, Nightcrawler Network and Ghost Eater for Malifaux and 7 Gobbos.

Then I built some Space Marine Scouts and undercoated them because it’s a yellow warning for rain tomorrow.


Hobbystreak day 426 (01 March 2024).

New month, new models. Started on the Scout kill team. Started with the three special weapons because I don’t have to make any list decisions for them.

It ended up being a nice sunny afternoon, so much for rushing building things because of weather warnings.


Hobbystreak day 427 (02 March 2024).

More work on the heavy bolter scout today. Nearly finished him but there’s something up with the undercoat where the paint rubs off really easily so he’ll need some varnish.


Hobbystreak day 428 (03 March 2024).

Finished the first model of March, the Dark Angels Heavy Bolter Scout.