2023 Week Forty-seven Painting Blog

🞀 🞂


Hobbystreak day 324.

Such a damp grey day out there, I guess I better paint then. Goal for the week is to finish the two malifaux models and start the three Judge Dredd gangmembers and the Death Guard.

Attempted to highlight the skin on Tiri with a light blue but hated the result, so painted it all light blue and made a wash of Incubi Darkness using Pro Acryl Glaze and Wash Medium. It’s a nicer effect that’ll do. I really hate painting skin no matter what colour it is.

The Dredd gan1


Hobbystream day 325.

It’s sunny, so the gang members and plague marine got a white undercoat.

The plinths I had ordered for the Malifaux Iconic models came as well and they’re nice so that’s good. Need to figure out what I’m going to build up scenery wise on them for each mini to give them some context and then order some more at some stage for the rest. Since I’ve been painting the current one since earlier in the year there’s no rush…

Finished Tiri, not as happy with the result as I could be but the model doesn’t actually offer that much interesting to paint.


Hobbystreak day 326.

The plague marine is now green.


Hobbystreak day 327.

The post today brought me a bunch of stuff that I wasn’t expecting to ever come into stock. The latest Space Marine Heroes, which are also a killteam, and the 40k Magic commander decks which I may even play with at some point.

I built the duplicate marine from the heroes box.

Picked away at one of the Dredd gang members today as well as the Plague Marine.


Hobbystreak day 328.

Three minis on the go, which is probably a mistake, and I’m picking away at various colours in that way I do and never finish them.


Hobbystreak day 329.

Bit more work on Ulix Turner as I should get him finished, but the model really doesn’t call to me.

Experimented a bit with purple as a shadow colour on the green plague marine. It’s a bit too strong, but I think it’s going to look nice if I dial it back.


Hobbystreak day 330.

Another coat of red on the coat of the gang member because I decided to go with a really rubbishly covering red.