2024 Week twenty-one Painting Blog
Hobbystreak day 513 (Monday 27 May 2024).
Because I’m so good at sticking to my plans I painted nearly all of two gryph-hounds today. It was mostly an experiment that told me that Skeleton Horde is GWs best paint for yet another reason, it’s liquid dirt through an airbrush.
Note to self. Oh yes, airbrushes are how you get those nice finishes. Stop being so reluctant to use the damn thing.
Painted the banner on one of the goblins and am now doing the “how many coats of yellow will this take to give it a nice even colour?” game. The paint is Bismuth Yellow from Pro-Acryl and it’s a gorgeous colour for painting a bad moon you want to stand out.
Hobbystreak day 514 (Tuesday 28 May 2024).
OK, got a few days to finish the Goblins so as long as I don’t start anything new that’s fine.
Should I slap some gold on a Stormcast?
Fine, I’ll slap some Black Templar on a robe or twenty instead.
Hobbystreak day 515 (Wednesday 29 May 2024).
I’m 100% laser focused so built and started painting an Arch-Revenant which is a half tree person. Hit the wood with Wyldwood, which gave the model a really good base. It’s almost as if the paint was designed for them or something.
Hobbystreak day 516 (Thursday 30 May 2024).
More work on the Arch-Revenant. The edge of the base is Dark Green Grey? I keep forgetting he has wings.
Hobbystreak day 517 (Friday 31 May 2024).
Deep clean of the airbrush today because it’s been sat doing nothing for ages and it’s not working right now that I’m using it. After all that it’s working a lot better.
Hobbystreak day 518 (Saturday 1 June 2024).
It’s June and I didn’t finish the goblins. I hate batch painting and new and exciting things will always attract me over a large squad. So did more on the Arch-Revenant.
Hobbystreak day 519 (Sunday 2 June 2024).
Finished the Arch-Revenant today. I even remembered to glue his wings on.