2024 Week seventeen Painting Blog

🞀 🞂


Hobbystreak day 485 (Monday 29 April 2024).

Started the day with some more assembling, this time the Hush box so that I can add some Spelleaters to my Witch Hunter crew to help complete the collection. Of course I started with the Archivist because that does me no good beyond now needing to fill in that Cadmus gap in my collection now. Then I ran out of small base toppers so on went the printer to build my stocks back up.

Painting wise it was onto the Onryos which got a Payne’s Grey coat on the inner robes. I’m liking how using that on all the models is really bringing them together a a cohesive team.

Then I got disctracted by wanting some navigation buttons on this blog to move between posts.


Hobbystreak day 486 (Tuesday 30 April 2024).

Finished the Onryos .


Hobbystreak day 487 (Wednesday 1 May 2024).

I think I might need a break from Malifaux models so I grabbed the next sprue from my large pile of Stormbringer and there’s now 5 Vigilators built and ready to undercoat.


Hobbystreak day 488 (Thursday 2 May 2024).

Started on the Vigilators and got the gold down on the first one. The cloth got a purple coat and the leather was painted with Red Leather.


Hobbystreak day 489 (Friday 3 May 2024).

2nd coat on the first Vigilator and I’m happy with the look so highlighted up the cloak and got the first coat down on the other four.

Because I’ve finished painting every other model I own for every other game I grabbed some Moonstone and assembled the first few minis. But more on them in another week.


Hobbystreak day 490 (Saturday 4 May 2024).

Did a bit more on the Stormcast.


Hobbystreak day 491 (Sunday 5 May 2024).

The weather was really nice so I went and took loads of pictures of rocks as painting reference. Sundays are for hanging around old quarries.