2023 Week Eleven Painting Blog
Hobbystreak day 72.
Working on the Knight-Arcanum today, which is again a nice change of scale from Malifaux. Got the cloak and the armour all nicely based in, which took a few more coats for the cloak that I expected. Nice rich royal purple though.
Hobbystream day 73.
Light day today, but did get the book and staff to their base colour.
Hobbystreak day 74.
More site fiddling, and I was determined to get the Knight-Arcanum totally painted in her base colours today. Too many distractions are making what should be a quick model take much longer, but in the end I finished her bar the base. Because it’s already got some built in detail that covers most of it I’m going to leave it black for now.
Not sure about her eyes, might have to go in and try some pupils. Looks better in person of course.
I make that 33 models completed this year so far. That’s more than I’ve ever managed in a much longer time before. Can I make it 35 before the end of the week?
I built the Killaboss and Stab-Grot (please never change Games Workshop) from the first issue of Stormbringer so I’d have the next things to paint. They shouldn’t take too long…
Hobbystreak day 75.
Lots of work on the Killaboss today. Nearly based in all his colours.
Hobbystreak day 76.
Assembled and undercoated the contents of issue 2 of Stormbringer, so that’s 10 more Orks to paint. I figures that I might as well batch paint all 12 minis.
Hobbystreak day 77.
Working my way through the basecoats for the new minis.
Grabbed some of the counts as alternate Malifaux models because I was rather taken with them. Now I need to think about how to handle them here. More code to write.
Hobbystreak day 78.
Having 12 models on the go is making me a bit uncomfortable, but if it means I complete 12 next week then I’ll be very happy.