First Post
So 2022 was a bit of a shakeup for social media wasn’t it? If it taught me anything it was that owning your little corner of the internet is far more valuable than just using a service that may or may not be around tomorrow. There’s also a problem with everything being so temporary. You post someting on Twitter and it’s gone and forgotten the next day. I think it’s a real problem for minature painting and games as it solidifies the idea that is most prevalent in Warhammer: If it’s not a new release then it doesn’t matter.
At the same time posting these things is a great source of motivation.
I’m not a painter of armies, and after I finish a model I kind of lose interest in it. I think being reminded of what I’ve done is healthy and will help me as a painter.
So that’s what this website is: a place for me to record what I paint and make sure that I don’t slip and forgot to paint for months at end (I get distracted, OK!) It’s also a place for me to record how I painted what I did, which is just as important as I’m forever forgetting what I did.
Another thing for 2023 is that I’m getting back into Malifaux. I was putting together a model that was really fiddly and I thought to myself “I might as well be assembling Malifaux here” and before I knew it I had a couple of core boxes on my desk. Strange how that happens.