2023 Week Forty-five Painting Blog
Hobbystreak day 310.
Did some work on Old Major . It’s the anti-GW model with almost zero bits of additional fiddly bits beyond the sea of skin.
Hobbystream day 311.
I’m really liking how few things there are on Old Major. It’s skin, a thing around his neck and a rosette hanging from that. Eyes, a few teeth and a tongue are the only other place for a bit of contrast and the rest is getting the folds of skin to look nice.
Got the latest Malifaux releases today (what is a latest release with malifaux? The ones they’ve actually managed to ship here?). The Rotten Harvest Halloween box will be fun if ever I get the confidence to paint some grayscale models. The other three boxes are cross compatible with The Other Side, which is a game I totally ignore but do own the starter for. These are preassembled resin models so not quite as nice as the plastics, but still not too bad if you ignore the straightness of the arrows on the three Hex Bow models.
It’s one of those nice releases that adds a few models for some crews I actually have made progress painting.
Now we’re in a weird place with releases for Malifaux because that’s it for the announced schedule (cue Wyrd making an announcement this week). November’s releases are all Other side exclusive or an Iconic box, which I’ll never say no to.
Hobbystreak day 312.
Did the finishing touches on Old Major, and that’s another model done.
Hobbystreak day 313.
Penelope is the model for today, and I’m nervous. How do you do good dog hair?
Turns out you paint it Pro Acryl Black Brown then drybrush with Warm brown then do some highlights and that’s fine. One dog down.
Oh no, it’s raining and will be tomorrow all day and I’m out of primed models.
Hobbystreak day 314.
It’s not raining! I can prime things!
But apparently that’s all I can do today.
Hobbystreak day 315.
Remembered that I had started the Iconic 75mm Sonnia Criid earlier in the year so thought I’d have another go at adding some more colours to that. Did some work on her cloak and now I’m thinking about basing options for the iconic figures… They’re going to need something with a bit more scenery on them…
I grabbed my undercoated models and slapped some Dark Silver on Oro Boro , which should be simple to paint. I also started the skin on Ulix Turner .
Lastly I decided to have a go at something new and so grabbed the Judge Dredd I am the Law starter off a shelf and pulled out three street punks. The bases in this game are a bit clunky with an oval base on the mini that’s very much like an 80s metal mini which you then stick to a very thin round plastic base. I’m experimenting with what to do and so clipped the bases off some models and put some AK Asphalt onto one of the bases. It remains to be seen if superglue will give a strong enough bond between that and the small foot area on the models. The models need cleaning as well as they feel very release agent-y. The models themselves are very rubbery, but have nice enough detail.
Hobbystreak day 316.
Finished Oro Boro, who turned out to be a really quick model to paint since it’s mostly metal. I also got Ulix Turner and Tiri on their bases ready for more paint.