2024 Week six Painting Blog
Hobbystreak day 408 (12 February 2024).
Started building the Lucky Fate box for Malifaux. You know how they used to have a reputation for making really hard to put together models? This box is apparently one of those kits. Now glue the feet on the model. Here’s a wheel split into four parts with no proper way to line it up. Oh, yes it has two cross braces but where they could help do this if they both went in different directions no… They’re both the same. Waiting for the glue to properly cure now before I breathe on it and break it.
Hobbystreak day 409 (13 February 2024).
Stuck a pig together. I had to glue on the ears. Separately. THE EARS.
Hobbystreak day 410 (14 February 2024).
Touched up some metal on the gobbos. I need to get some proper painting time soon.
Hobbystreak day 411 (15 February 2024).
Looking at the gobbos they’re a bit dull so I’ve added red to them. Mostly in mushrooms, but also a bit of red leather. Tomorrow I’ll go mad and add the yellow.
Hobbystreak day 412 (16 February 2024).
Still very little painting, but did spend a few minutes on the Gobbos.
Hobbystreak day 413 (17 February 2024).
Did some work on the Gobbo bases.
Hobbystreak day 414 (18 February 2024).
Did some more on the bases.