2024 Week thirteen Painting Blog

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Hobbystreak day 457 (01 April 2024).

Bit more work on Lord Chompy Bits and Coppelius as well as started the skin on The Dreamer in both his base and Iconic versions. Then did some work on the wood on Iconic Dreamer for the rails and painted the minecart Petrolium Grey. I’m experimenting with using Scale75 paints a bit more as I didn’t get on with them before because of the way their medium annoys me in the way it separates out if you don’t mix the paint enough. Have that happen enough and you’ll just end up with sludge for paint. Some aggitators in the bottle should help.

I have a few of the colour sets that come with instructions for doing things like skin, leather and wood. The pictures have barely any relation to the results from what the instructions say in a wonderful late 80s White Dwarf way. Are you sure you used those colours as that wood seems to have more of a green in it now.

One of the sets is their black and white set, which sits taunting me since I have a bunch of Nightmare models for Malifaux that really call out for being painted in black and white. Damn, now I realise I need a smartcode to add a Card image to the blog. For now here’s Frank N Stein, part of a Nightmare crew based on classic monster villains. OK, the otherss are more classic monster villains and a bit less based on a parody of them.


Hobbystreak day 458 (02 April 2024).

Started printing a building yesterday as I figure I need more Malifaux terrain and most of mine is by GW so rather higher tech than Malifaux. Time to experiment with painting stone buildings in a better way.

Last night I played a bit more Malifaux on Vassal. Such a clunky app with tiny things I can barely see on a 4k screen. I think next week I’ll not play The Dreamer and try with somebody a bit easier. We’re playing at 30SS for now as we learn and getting all that summoning working, especially the Wp trigger failures that it needs, is just not happening enough to make it easy to play. Not sure who I’ll go with.

In the meantime I finished off Coppelius and did a small experiment to give the flagstones on his base a purple tint to match his faction.

Then it was onto the two Dreamers and blocking in their base colours. What colour is best to base a massive Teddy Bear?


Hobbystreak day 459 (03 April 2024).

I was about to say that it’s always nice to have no white left on a model but I’ve just noticed the photo there has a white handle still. I’m quite happy with the bright red scarf as some of these drap Victorian outfits don’t really pop at all.

Thinking a bit more about what crew to play next I think it’s going to have to be Sonnia Criid in her basic form.

Finished The Dreamer in the end. That’s two models in three days this month. But that wasn’t enough so did all the steam arachnids.


Hobbystreak day 460 (04 April 2024).

Right, Lord Chompy Bits . You’re a big model for Malifaux and you’re about to get painted. Blue skin, Bone for the claws, horns and teeth and then it’s just a lot of shading to get him done. He’s actually a nice simple model if you ignore his scale.

More updates to the site. Every single base card should be now be here and I’m still tracking down alternatives. I think I also need a way to track errata so that I don’t miss when some cards are updated as I suspect a bunch are out of date at the moment.

Did some work on the Iconic version of The Dreamer as well and gave painted some teddy bear fur.


Hobbystreak day 461 (05 April 2024).

Nearly finished off The Dreamer and Lord Chompy bits. I think tomorrow I’ll have to move onto the next crew.


Hobbystreak day 462 (06 April 2024).

And that’s the Nightmare models done until the rest of the crew come back into stock. Next up is Nellie Cochrane and her crew to go with the models I painted for that crew from the latest releases.

Somehow The Printing Press manages to have even less contact area with the bases than the Steam Arachnid models did. Impressive.


Hobbystreak day 463 (07 April 2024).

Bit more on the Journalist crew done, hopefully they’ll all get completed next week. New Malifaux releases are pushed back for reasons, and Ashes still hasn’t shipped in the UK yet either so the pressure is off for Malifaux for a while. Maybe I’ll do another Marine Scout next week.

End of another week, so there’s some new models painted.

Lord Chompy Bits
Lord Chompy Bits
The Dreamer
The Dreamer
Iconic The Dreamer
Iconic The Dreamer
Mecharachnid A
Mecharachnid A
Mecharachnid B
Mecharachnid B
Steam Arachnid A
Steam Arachnid A
Steam Arachnid B
Steam Arachnid B
Steam Arachnid C
Steam Arachnid C
Steam Arachnid D
Steam Arachnid D
Steam Arachnid E
Steam Arachnid E
Steam Arachnid F
Steam Arachnid F