2024 Week fourteen Painting Blog
Hobbystreak day 464 (08 April 2024).
Yesterday I did a load of photography of finished minis and it showed me a few things.
- I need to put another coat of black on bases instead of just calling them done
- Although my painting is good enough for tabletop it’s nowhere near good enough to take good pictures of without showing every flaw.
- I think I’ve stopped getting better? This is all things I probably already knew so need to address. I think a pre-finished photo is a good idea to show me where I need to touch up which will take care of 1 and 2. 3 I think I just need to add more blending between colours and highlights and get some actual contrast into those highlights too.
Painting Malifaux is not helping here as they’re so small it’s hard mode.
Hobbystreak day 465 (09 April 2024).
Another game of Malifaux last night and I lost by a single point, which was annoying as I lost at least one point by getting a strategy wrong. Still, the game is starting to play smoothly and it’s always fun.
Played basic Sonnia Criid and she’s a lot easier of a crew to play than The Dreamer . Lots of setting things on fire never hurts either. I’ll tweak the list next time because outside of the big three models I didn’t really feel like I used the others as well as I could as I had basically chosen them just because they seemed sort of OK.
Finished The Printing Press , which wasn’t a hard model to paint but a finished model is a finished model.
I’m also aware that I’ll need more models primed soon so I grabbed the box of three Hex Bow that they released the other month as they’re the only other models I have for my Witch Hunter team that I’m currently playing. I should say that I’m playing it online but I’m strange and feel the need to paint the models that I play even if I don’t need them. They’re pre-built softer models so not as nice as the hard plastic kits you assemble, but they’re still quite good. Some of the arrows are even straight. No that’s a lie, of course they aren’t.
Hobbystreak day 466 (10 April 2024).
Short day today as lots of work to do, but I did so some. Started leather on the reporters and touched up a few mode things.
Hobbystreak day 467 (11 April 2024).
Another quiet day, but I did get some trousers painted on the Nellie crew. I did prime up the Hex Bow and straightened the base of and primed the Iconic Archie . It came with a distinct warp in the already attached sculpted base, but that was an easy fix with some hot water and a flat surface.
Hobbystreak day 468 (12 April 2024).
Need to make some progress today on the four models left on my desk.
Picking away at the rest of the Journalist crew and I had the red out anyway so I painted the cloaks on the three Hex Bow red as well.
Hobbystreak day 469 (13 April 2024).
It’s the niggling last bits of models that get me. I’m slowly picking off the final details of these Journalist models and I’ve realised that if I don’t fully get the base coats down early on then I’ll just never finish models. Down to three models from that core box now and they’re hopefully nearly done.
More Legions Imperialis arrived today. The Drop Pods, which are expensive for only four models and the Land Raider Proteus which has six and is the only real type of basic Land Raider that should exist. I also undercoated the Thunderhawk which is a massive tiny model.
Hobbystreak day 470 (14 April 2024).
Finished Phiona Gage to start the day, which means two models to do today. Getting annoyed with Nellie Cochrane as I dropped her and snapped her at the ankle. Also her quill snapped off and I’ve got no idea where that very tiny part ended up, although now it looks more like a stubby pencil which maybe fits better. You can’t run and use a quill folks!
Got some browns down on the Hex Bow and they’re not going to last all week so I need to build and undercoat some new things fast, especially as I think the endless rain will continue.