2023 Week Eighteen Painting Blog
Hobbystreak day 121.
Back to gold armour. Doing a white basecoat this time which seems wiser, and the gold coats fine over it.
Hobbystream day 122.
Bit more site work today, I added This page that tracks how many models I’ve painted this year.
Hobbystreak day 123.
Chipping away at the gold and purple on the Stormcast. Not sure what to do on the Ork Shaman guy (with the silly name I can’t be bothered to look up right now) but I’m wondering how much I can get away with using contrast for his clothes.
Hobbystreak day 124.
More distractions getting in the way of painting, but blocked in some of the purple for the Stormcase cloaks. Also gave the Ork Shaman guy some contrast colours for his robes. Not sure I like them.
Hobbystreak day 125.
More touching up of stormcast basecoats.
Also started printing another expansion to the game table. This will make it 80x80cm. Then I’ll print another row and make it 1mx80cm and it should fit my bigger board games (I’m looking at you nice anniversary edition of Ticket To Ride)
Hobbystreak day 126.
More printing, a tiny bit of painting.
I really need to think about miniature storage more as well. These AoS armies need to be kept somewhere…
Hobbystreak day 127.
Didn’t finish any minis. Again. Next week hopefully if I get the time. Still, did manage to do a bit on them today so that’s OK.