2023 Week Twenty-six Painting Blog

🞀 🞂


Hobbystreak day 177.

I’ve assembled all of the issues of Stormbringer for the next month and it’s not too daunting as the scenery should be fast. The dragon on the other hand is massive… I wonder how much I can get away with drybrushing it?


Hobbystream day 178.

Did some work on the Orks today, they’re getting close to the “I can stop now and these are fine” level. I also dug out the Haemotrope Reactor I’ve been ignoring for most of the year and that’s nearly at a point where I’m happy to say “It’s only scenery. That’ll do” too as I’ve put some nice spot colours on it so that the sea of rust doesn’t just hide everything.


Hobbystreak day 179.

The rumours for the next killteam boxed set are scouts and Striking Scorpions, which are both models I’m really into. Plastic aspect warriors are always nice to see (I should add that box of Howling Banshees into the rotation) and Scouts are always nice and nostalgic. More importantly I’ve never liked the current plastic scouts so if they turn out to be new sculpts that’ll be very interesting.

I’m swamped with GW models as it is though and want to keep up with Malifaux too. Can I be responsible?

Have a painted bit of 40k scenery.


Hobbystreak day 180.

Work kicking off again, did a bit on the Orks.


Hobbystreak day 181.

More ork filling in of colours.


Hobbystreak day 182.

Brown is a good colour for Ork clothing, right?


Hobbystreak day 183.

Did some Ork clothing highlighting. Down to one working hand due to a recurring injury issue, man that slows you down.