2023 Week Twenty-four Painting Blog
Hobbystreak day 163.
New models day! The Nurgle Space Marine Heros box to be precise, because they’re fantastic models to add to the stash.
Then I got distracted and started painting one of the gryphound things from the stormcast chariot.
Hobbystream day 164.
I had an idea, which distracted me to yet another model. I undercoated all the Orks from this months Stormbringer white and then covered one in Ratling Grime. The idea is that it’ll mostly have the advantages of a light basecoat but anywhere I miss on the model won’t stand out as it’s a neutral “any bit of an ork can be this colour”.
Hobbystreak day 165.
Back to Tull. Started highlighting all the other colours and before I knew it he was finished.
Next model to finish is the chariot, so fixed up where the gold spray wasn’t perfect and started on the capes.
I also put some ratling grime on the other two Orks, which showed up detail that I hadn’t noticed yet so that was nice.
Hobbystreak day 166.
Goal for today is to finish the chariot since it’s quite straightforwards. Started by blocking in more of the colours on the lionbirdthings. Hang on, they came with a magazine didn’t they. Gryph-Chargers apparently. Silly name.
Hobbystreak day 167.
Didn’t finish the chariot, because of course not. Decided it needed more colours instead and did a bit on an Ork because focus is for other people.
Hobbystreak day 168.
Spent my time making the chariot look neater and doing more Ork.
Hobbystreak day 169.
Will I ever finish this chariot? Odds are no. The Ork is nearly finished though.