2024 Week nineteen Painting Blog
Hobbystreak day 499 (Monday 13 May 2024).
Stormcast should be the fastest models in the world to paint. You slap some gold on them, pick out the leather and then paint some cloth but somehow they always slow me to a crawl. It’s a cliche at this point but it really is the details on them. They’re just not fun to paint, and I think that is a common issue with modern GW models. The Goblins I’m also painting also aren’t fun, but that’s because there’s 20 of them and did you know 20 is a large number?
Hobbystreak day 500 (Tuesday 14 May 2024).
Finished those five Stormcast, which is nice and I’ll replace them with some more Malifaux as that’s far more fun to paint.
Got a game of Malifaux in last night and we’re getting a lot quicker at playing it. I’m so used to 40k needing you to book most of August off work in order to have a single game that it’s always a shock to look at the clock after the game and see how long it actually took. My cards for Gaining Grounds 4 also finally turned up today, which would have been handier the day before but tbere you go.
Hobbystreak day 501 (Wednesday 15 May 2024).
Very busy, but a bit of work on Ikiryo
Hobbystreak day 502 (Thursday 16 May 2024).
A few more minutes grabbed to work on Ikiryo
Read up on a new way to make this site generate a lot of the pages automatically from the JSON that holds all the malifaux models instead of having a custom app to do that. With a bit of work I could also tie it into battlescribe files I think for other systems.
Hobbystreak day 503 (Friday 17 May 2024).
A bit of gentle work on the two versions of Ikiryo . Hopefully I’ll have them finished tomorrow now.
Hobbystreak day 504 (Saturday 18 May 2024).
The three new paint sets from Pro-Acryl arrived and they flesh out the range in a needed way I think. Lots of browns are never unwelcome so the Flameon set will be really useful. The Adepticon set are a bit less exciting but still good. The magnesium metallic will be very interesting to try and the drab brown feels like it has a bit more green than the similar GW colours such as Steel Legion Drab. Finally there’s the Rogue Hobbies paints which are rather predictably all bright colours that help to round out the gaps there so I know they’ll be very useful. There’s also a satin black from one of the sets that is “what if GW black but actually thin.”
I’ve been having a think about how to handle the AoS section of this site, which will have implications for 40k in two years. Because everything behind this is data driven rather than just static files I write (well, this blog excluded), I think I need to add in support for editions as well as models/units may not survive between them.
Hobbystreak day 505 (Sunday 19 May 2024).
I found a bit I had lost under a bit of furniture from back when I was hurt and couldn’t look under it then couldn’t be bothered/forgot afterwards. So today I finished the… Hang on… Lord-Aquilor (according to the GW website). OK I need to get my AoS pages up to snuff so that I can remember these stupid names.