2023 Week Sixteen Painting Blog

🞀 🞂


Hobbystreak day 107.

Goal for the next few days: Finish the Praetor-Prime then get most of the squad done. Started highlights on the prime and finished her base.

I need a better paint storage system too. The desk gets clutered with them in no time and I don’t have a unified system that can hold all the different sizes of pots in the smallest space possible.


Hobbystream day 108.

One of the things I did without thinking the other day was to unplug my hobby light because I was out of available sockets and think “I’ll fix that later”. This has had a much greater effect on my painting rate than I thought it would as no, I didn’t fix that later. Until today that is.

When you have GW push-fit models and base toppers you can either cut off the pegs or drill holes in the bases. I went for drilling which is always fun.

Finished off the Praetor-Prime, which feels good. I’ll have to see it in the morning but at the moment I’m really happy with the purple cloak.


Hobbystreak day 109.

Can I finish 5 stormcast today? How hard can it be? How many pouches can GW put on a model?

The answer was no. I did start the first of the hobgrots though to see how well the skin would cover. Might be OK with two coats.

I ordered some things in the Wyrd easter sale and they arrived today. Oh yeah, I remember how much I love metal minis now…


Hobbystreak day 110.

Went to the beach for a coffee and when I got back the postman had noticed we were out and left a package by the back door containing the next set of Stormbringer issues. Assembled the Lord-Imperatant and his pet over lunch. The Swampcalla Shaman and his little pot-grot friend have all the details crammed onto them so ugh, they’re going to take a chunk of time to paint. Lastly for the month there’s Xandrire’s Truthseekers who I believe are an Underworlds team and so fantastic looking and come with sculpted bases that should match into every else really nicely. Lots of gold and cloaks on them as is the norm. Anybody keeping score with the value of the partwork needs to remember to assign a negative number somewhere as there’s some GW white paint included and that is the worst paint ever made by man.

The only slight worry is that the next two models after that are bigger ones. Looking at [Fauxhammer)(https://www.fauxhammer.com/partworks-magazines/warhammer-stormbringer-magazine-issues-11-14-contents-confirmed/) I see that it means there’s only 5 models in total for the month, but a big crossbow and chariot aren’t going to be quick models.

Hobbystreak day 111.

Painted lots of hobgrot skin. Nearly have enough coats on them. I accidentally have 18 models being painted at once and that’s not good… I also have 9 extra assembled models because I’m fully built up on Stormbringer and couldn’t resist building this little guy… Oh metal models. How I haven’t missed you.

Ross Jebsen


Undercoated Ross Jebsen.


Hobbystreak day 112.

Another coat of hobgrot skin.


Hobbystreak day 113.

Worked on the stormcast a bit more then unwisely started fiddling with the site again.