2023 Week Seventeen Painting Blog
Hobbystreak day 114.
More site work today as I’ve streamlined the collection management side my end and started to add support for alt sculpts.
Getting close to finishing the Stormcast, then just another 10 models are the goal this week with the hobgrots, which are these models Hobgrot Slittas. I’m only going to do a basic paint job on them.
Hobbystream day 115.
Stormcast finished, onto the hobbgrots and their annoying details.
Hobbystreak day 116.
Did another coat on their skin because I will never learn about black undercoats.
Hobbystreak day 117.
Started on the metals. Used Darkstar Silver Verde, which is a really nice shiny metal that is too bright for the models but I’ll pull it down with Nuln Oil. Then I did all the silly number of ropes and things they have on them in Pro-Acryl Dark Umber. I have the skin a wash of Aggaros Dunes.
Hobbystreak day 118.
Went back and did another coat on the metal and gave the skin a drybrush of Hobgrot Hide.
Hobbystreak day 119. Pro acryl Golden Brown drybrush over the browns and a few bits of touchup and I think we’re nealy all done on the hobgrots bar the bases being repainted black.
Hobbystreak day 120.
And the bases are now black so that’s another 10 models down. Onto the next models. 8 to go from this month of Stormbringer releases, and the only annoyingly detailed model is the Swampcalla Shaman.
That’s 63 models painted this year in 120 days. One every 2 days isn’t too bad.