2024 Week three Painting Blog
Hobbystreak day 387 (22 January 2024).
Dire avengers are now blue, which is a good start.
Hobbystreak day 388 (23 January 2024).
Thinned some dark blue and washed the dire avengers with it. Not sure I’d do them that way next time. Then I picked out the armour panels with the original lighter blue which breaks them up nicely. Then I started going over the white buts with, um, white.
Hobbystreak day 389 (24 January 2024).
Oh yeah, I ordered all of the first wave of the ABC warriors game didn’t I? That’s another bunch of minis for the pile.
Didn’t get much time to paint, but I did go over the white on the rest of the dire avengers.
Hobbystreak day 390 (25 January 2024).
More white, some touching up of blue.
Hobbystreak day 391 (26 January 2024).
Painted the hair on the helmets yellow. Do I do the black stripes? Not sure yet.
I also got some of the new base magnets from Warmag. Their old ones were pretty rubbish as they were the size of the base and so only glued on the very edge which meant they fell off after a while and raised the base up in a slightly ugly way, but these have a foam element that means they’re glued to the bottom proper and remain snug. Time will tell if they’re any good but I put some on my recent minis to see.
Hobbystreak day 392 (27 January 2024).
Painted their bases Steel Legion Drab and did some more touching up.
Hobbystreak day 393 (28 January 2024).
I’m invoking my rule that if I’m not enjoying painting a mini then I’ll stop when it’s good enough, and the Dire Avengers are really old GW plastics with soft details and they’re now good enough to be used as the minor part of the killteam. Added a touch of gold to some of the details and then they just needed basing before that was another 6 models painted (there’s the odd statue thing too). If I was to ever paint them again I would do it differently, but I think I’ll wait for a new kit next time. Technically I could do with another three of them for killteam but I don’t see myself ever wanting to run a full team of just them as they’re the weakest part of the list.
Next on the table are the other 7 models that make up Zarbag’s Gitz. Nice small goblin models that aren’t too crazy on detail but are all really nice sculpts.