2023 Week Nine Painting Blog
Hobbystreak day 58.
Finished De Main for my Witness crew. So many coats of paint on the inside of his cape because Pro Acryl Dark Magenta covers like an early 90s paint.
Hobbystreak day 59.
Assembled Marco Bonatti. Should be a nice quick paint job, which means it won’t be.
Put some green onto the reactor I built last week as well. Being a GW model I’m looking at the details and groaning about how much work it’ll be to pick them all out so I need to come up with some ways to cheat things like the ring of wires that run around it.
Hobbystreak day 60.
Spending time writing code that automatically crops miniature pictures down to the right size is a good way to spend time, right? And perfectly normal?
Undercoated a mini though, so that still counts. Then I felt guilty and did the first sponging of orange rust on the reactor. Honestly, just the one coat is probably enough for tabletop scenery. Not that I’ll stop there.
Hobbystreak day 61.
More messing with the site today, and started on the base colours for Marco Bonatti. There’s a real danger I’ll have all the released witness crew painted at this rate.
Hobbystreak day 62.
Got a bit bored and started painting yet another Sonnia Criid. This time it’s the large scale iconic model. I don’t know if it’s a dumb idea or not but I retook all the photos so far this year and was contemplating progress and improvements and so I thought a larger canvas might be easier for me to advance on.
Hobbystreak day 63.
Bit more work on Sonnia, and a bit more on the Malifaux building I started weeks ago. I need to keep working on that as it’s big and daunting and unless I make progress it’ll never get finished.
Hobbystreak Day 64.
Finished up Marco Bonatti today. I think I’m quite happy with him, but haven’t taken the photo that I’m going to include here yet.
Just 4 Witness models to go now…
I also played around in Houdini a bit to make new base inserts. Previously I was using one that I had found online and was scaling it up from the small base to the medium base as needed. Well Lohith is on the table this week amd scaling that up to 50mm would look silly so I made a small Houdini project that lets me create a similar base style but can enter the size as a parameter while it keeps the size of the stones kind of similar. A couple of minutes later I had one printed out for the base and so I assembled Lohith.