2023 Week Six Painting Blog

🞀 🞂


Hobbystreak day 37.

Today I started painting Soniia Criig. Two of them. I didn’t get too far, but I’m doing them both with the same scheme.


Hobbystreak day 38.

I’m glad I’m doing two Criids at once because it’s a lot easier batch painting a single character. Which is an odd thing to say. Notes on how you paint things seems to be really important with malifaux as you’re getting four copies of some masters, with one of them a 75mm display model. I’m not touching the larger one for now so my notes will be very useful when I come to do it. I did however order The Other Side starter for that 4th model because I’m very, very weak willed.

I also started The Purifying Flame, which is her totem. For a range of models that is kind of famous for having really fiddly weak joints on tiny things this really does push it to another level. You would be afraid it would snap from drybrushing. I also have to paint fire so boo.


Hobbystreak day 39.

The starter box for The Other Side turned up today. First thoughts: Lots of minis. Nice handy (for storage) movement trays and small fancy tape measures that are handy for all games. I have an old one from Hawk Wargames that is more (cheap) metal than these plastic ones, but I like them.

It does mean that I have my full compliment of Sonnia Criid models though and I want to make it clear that I’ll probably never play her in a game and this is just my brain out to get me at this point. Still, it’s nice having a progression of models.

I’ve started working on some changes for the site too when it comes to Malifaux to make it a bit easier to update.


Hobbystreak day 40.

Finished the purifying flame and made more progress on the Criids.

Purifying Flame

Did some more work on the abandoned store as well. There’s a large poster on one wall and I don’t know what to do with it…


Hobbystreak day 41.

Back onto the three Soniia Criids, and also a lot more website work. I think I now have a more up to date Malifaux keyword list than Wyrd has…


Hobbystreak day 42.

Mostly website work today, but a bit more paint on Sonnia. Pre-ordered the new Killteam and Warcry boxes that went up today because I never learn.


Hobbystreak Day 43.

The website now has a list of all the masters and their available hires. Ish. Some data errors will be there and versatile isn’t included yet.

Sonnia Griid constinues. Doing three versions at once is probably for the best, but when two of them are the preassembled minis I keep looking at the proper plastic kit version and thinking how much nicer it is.