2023 Week Forty-four Painting Blog

🞀 🞂


Hobbystreak day 303.

Big push to finish Gracie today, which I actually managed then I moved back over to Burt Jebsen. See, I CAN finish models when I put my mind to it. It’s almost as if I’m using “just need to paint a bit every day” as an excuse to do the least amount that I can each day.

I have the next models primed and ready to paint as well.


Hobbystream day 304.

Well I don’t know what came over me but that’s Burt Jebsen painted as well. Tomorrow: pigs and a dog.

Turns out that October was a really slow month with only those two models. Hopefully I’m feeling more human again so November I can blitz through a Malifaux crew or something.


Hobbystreak day 305.

There are models that need a lot of effort, and there are models where slapping some contrast paint on them then picking out some face/trotter details and Wild Boar is certainly one of the latter. Three models, three shades of brown later and they’re almost done and already November is looking more productive than October.

Wild Boars

I also got the base colour down on Old Major who is a very simple model colour wise but will need some nice shading on that skin.

Old Major

After they’re done I’ve got Ulix Turner and Penelope ready to go. After that I might move onto a less pig based crew.


Hobbystreak day 306.

OK, spoke too soon. Somewhat incapacitated again and so all I could face doing was picking out some of the details on the wild boars.


Hobbystreak day 307.

Still not able to concentrate so started on the bases.


Hobbystreak day 308.

Highlights on the bases, the models are now nearly done.


Hobbystreak day 309.

Finished the bases. That’s 3 models done.