2023 Week Twenty-five Painting Blog

🞀 🞂


Hobbystreak day 170.

Another day, another work deadline. Showing my absolute resolve and focus I didn’t finish any of the nearly finished models on my desk, but I did wash some metal and paint some cobblestones.


Hobbystream day 171.

OK, can I get some serious painting in today? Maybe finish that chariot and not get distracted?

Thinking about the insane number of 40k minis that arrive next week and it’s really too much isn’t it? Luckily I’ll be using contrast for a lot of the ’nids in a way that should match my existing force but be a lot quicker. The Marines aren’t too bad either really, I just need to get the right shade of dark green on them fast.


Hobbystreak day 172.

Finished two Gearling because I’m great at not getting distracted. Did a bit of freehand on their backs to break them up a bit and it was just some lines but I think they were neat and the fact I had the confidence to try that means my brush control must be getting better.


Hobbystreak day 173.

Worked on finishing the chariot, but busy with work so it’s slow going.


Hobbystreak day 174.

Bit more picking away at the chariot and Orks.


Hobbystreak day 175.

It’s 10th edition day, which means a massive influx of models onto the backlog… But it’s worse than that because the next delivery of Stormbringer came and it has the first premium kit in it as well and now I’m drowning in minis.

Do I need to paint all the Stormbringer models from last month this month? Or by today?


Hobbystreak day 176.

I am really good at not getting distracted so painted a Termagaunt. And finished the Chariot.