2023 Week Thirty-one Painting Blog
Hobbystreak day 212.
Started on the latest Stormbringer models properly. Added some browns to the Stormcast.
The latest Black Library model, Minka Lesk, arrived because one day I’ll do a guard army and the mode interesting models the better. This is a lousy reason, I know.
Hobbystream day 213.
Painted the Marshcrawla Sloggoth flesh coloured. It looks very disturbing. Then I gave the wood a coat of Wyldwood. Nearly finished the basecolours on the Stormcast.
Hobbystreak day 214.
Bit more work on the Stormcast.
I’ve also been thinking about the problem of GW minis and linking to something. I can never remember the silly GW names and it’s never clear what I’m working on so I really need dedicated pages for them in the same way that I have for Malifaux models. I can’t link back to the GW store because they’ll just change things and I’m a little reluctant to just embed their images because they have lawyers who get bored very easily. It’s also not clear what is promo images that they wouldn’t mind being reused (if any) and what isn’t.
I need to beef up the GW section basically.
Turns out that the stormcast model I’m painting is called Gardus Steel Soul and that’s a silly name that I now regret looking up.
Hobbystreak day 215.
Stormcast is nearly done. Just a few bit to finish off.
Hobbystreak day 216.
Mini storage is a problem. At what point to I stop putting models on shelves and start using boxes to hide them away? End of the year and start with a fresh slate for the minis I’m not going to actively use?
Hobbystreak day 217.
Got some undercoating done on a few more models so I have options if it rains constantly.
Hobbystreak day 218.
Finished Gardus Steel Soul. All in all an interesting pose but a boring model to paint unless you want to go to town with picking out the details on the armour.