2023 Week Fifteen Painting Blog

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Hobbystreak day 100.

100 days of hobby. I feel like I’m not making progress at the moment though because I’m not doing more than a few minutes per day. I did wash and drybrush a gearling though.


Hobbystream day 101.

Undercoated some Stormcast, the praetor prime and 5 Stormcast Vindicators are now gold.


Hobbystreak day 102.

Did most of the basecoats on the Praetor-Prime.

I also finished off printing the 60x60cm gaming table. Another day or two of printing will turn it into a 60x80 and that’ll do for now. Haven’t started that yet as I’m giving it a bit of a break so I’m not sitting next to a noisy printer constantly.


Hobbystreak day 103.

Started basecoating some of the Vindicators and printed bases toppers for all 6 models. I adapted my Malifaux one for them which seems to work well enough.

Assembled the 10 Hobgrotz Slittaz and that’s me up to date with at least assembling Stormbringer. I expect the new delivery will be here soon, but that should be an easier month as there’s no massive units.


Hobbystreak day 104.

Think this is going to be a slow weekend, but got the bases for the stormcast undercoated black.


Hobbystreak day 105.

Caught some bits I missed on the bases where the gold was still showing and started to paint the stone grey.


Hobbystreak day 106.

Bit more work on the Praetor-Prime. Didn’t manage to finish any minis this week, which is disappointing considering they’re mostly gold with deceptive amounts of GW cruft on them.