2023 Week Fifty-two Painting Blog

🞀 🞂


Hobbystreak day 359.

Who does hobby stuff on Christmas day? Me. Built and undercoated the rest of the Warhammer Heroes killteam and ordered the Battle for Macragge made to order re-release. Just for the scenery of course, like everybody else. I do have it in storage somewhere but…


Hobbystream day 360.

Painted marines green. And moved my stash around a bit since it’s not the boss of me and I’d like to use this room.

I’m getting close to a whole year of painting every day. I don’t think I’ve made progress every day, or even every week week but it’s been close to hand and mind constantly all year and that’s more than I’ve done before.


Hobbystreak day 361.

So… Killteams. I have them all and I think I should actually paint them next year. If I have 6 fully painted then I’ll consider it a success.


Hobbystreak day 362.

New delivery of supplies today. Some paint to replace pots that are getting low (I know! That never used to happen to me) and some Dire Avengers so I have all the options for a killteam next month. Now where did I put that box of Banshees?

You can always tell a good online store by how they package their paint. If it’s not in a bag then they’re rubbish and your postman probably hates them too.

I also did some blog work as I generated the first year of blank entries, which was always going to be a pain this week as they run out. I wrote some code to automatically generate new weeks as needed. For a painting blog I’ve sure coded a lot in the last year.

I’ve also been thinking about photos. I stopped doing them months ago because the friction for creating them was slightly too much. I think I need to at least always have a Sunday summary set of work in progress pictures that can be rougher but need to exist.

Oh, and more work on the marines.


Hobbystreak day 363.

More marine painting today, and I moved my photography area next to my desk so that there’s no real reason that I can’t take photos. I’ve started filling in the gaps on the Malifaux models that I’ve not photographed and they’re available on the individual model pages.

I also pre-ordered the ABC Warriors game because it would be rude not to.


Hobbystreak day 364.

I should try and finish a few minis before the end of the year… In the meantime I updated the photography for all the missing models and added pages for each one too. That took all day. Something something don’t put off small tasks until they become big tasks.

I did manage to get a small amount of painting in and finished the marines I was working on.


Hobbystreak day 365.

I did hobby every day this year.

So what have I learnt this year? My instincts are to never take highlights far enough. Actually finishing models is hard but it is possible. Keeping paints always ready and to hand is key. Doing something, anything, every day means that I don’t stop. Most importantly if I don’t like the models I’m painting then it’s not fun. I’m looking at you Orruks.

And here’s the results for the year: The Grand List. That’s every model painted this year with a link to their page where you can see the pictures.

What hobby should I do next year?