2024 Week eighteen Painting Blog
Hobbystreak day 492 (Monday 6 May 2024).
New week, time to make some progress. Got some metals on the Vigilators and built 20 goblins from Stormbringer. I wonder how fast I can paint them with contrast paints?
Hobbystreak day 493 (Tuesday 7 May 2024).
Tried doing the skin on one of the stormcast. Not sure I succeeded.
Hobbystreak day 494 (Wednesday 8 May 2024).
A sepia wash on the golden armour of the stormcast really makes the colour into something I like. Also did some picking out of details and cleaning up.
Hobbystreak day 495 (Thursday 9 May 2024).
Some red spray paint arrived today so I how have an undercoated Thunderhawk. This isn’t me being focused on what I have on my desk already is it?
Hobbystreak day 496 (Friday 10 May 2024).
Made a better flight stand for the Moonstone Goblin Airship out of brass rod then did some work on the stormcast.
Hobbystreak day 497 (Saturday 11 May 2024).
Experimented with the black on the goblins for their robes then did some work on the stormcast.
Hobbystreak day 498 (Sunday 12 May 2024).
Did some work on the goblins and basecoated all 20 sets of skin.