2024 Week sixteen Painting Blog

🞀 🞂


Hobbystreak day 478 (Monday 22 April 2024).

New week, new progress. Some progress hopefully. So what are my goals for this week? Finish those Hex Bows , paint the Iconic Archee that I’ve forgotten to mention that I’ve started and then move onto the Urami models. And add a shortcode to the blog so that can automatically go to the keyword page. If that’s here then sometime in the future I added that.

Big devlievery from Wyrd arriving today after a lot of fun with FedEx where they sent me the invoice for import duties after they had returned the package to the states for not paying import duties. Great work there guys. Got some useful things as well as filled in some limited edition models. The Big Hat errata cards will come in handy, but I wish I had ordered the Ashes of Malifaux book and Gaining Grounds 4 because then I would have them already instead of waiting for them to turn up in the UK.

I’m tempted to do something where I paint up the limited edition crews and give them a scenic display area

The new Nightmare Killteam box showed up so I built the scenery. For a lump of plastic I think it might be quite playable.


Hobbystreak day 479 (Tuesday 23 April 2024).

Played Malifaux again last night and the games are starting to speed up as we remember all the rules. Today I updated the site with the latest purchases I’ve made, and now I’m only 6 malifaux card images missing to correspond with my collection. They’re not in the dropbox, crew builder app or Bigger Hat so I guess I’m scanning them. My OCD means I need all variants to have their cards but I’m fighting a lack of information.


Hobbystreak day 480 (Wednesday 24 April 2024).

I want to see the back of the Hex Bow models so cracking on with them. I need to learn how to do better skin on such small faces. I settled on a drop of Guilliman Flesh diluted in some glaze and wash medium and that’ll do.


Hobbystreak day 481 (Thursday 25 April 2024).

Finished off Samantha Thrall as she used the same paints as the Hex Bows and moved onto the pile of Urami. First up are the three Gwisin which means I need to take stock of what they actually are. Undead things with entrails coming out of them and bones sticking out of limbs? The spikes around the edge of them are bones too? Hard to tell but this is going to be a simple paint job unless I go for the tatoos that the pictures show.

I started with a light cold blue for the skin as the pictures seem a little too warm coloured to me. Dark brown hair which I’m going to wash with black and then I’ll just need to pick out their bones and wash their skin and entrails in different colours.


Hobbystreak day 482 (Friday 26 April 2024).

Finished the Gwisin .


Hobbystreak day 483 (Saturday 27 April 2024).

Started on the five Enslaved Spirit that I have. You can only run 3 in game so I’m blaming the existance of The Other Side.

Package turned up with the Witch Hunter models that I didn’t have that have been on backorder for a while. Think they’ll end up high up on the list of things to paint so that I can have a fully painted crew for them.


Hobbystreak day 484 (Sunday 28 April 2024).

I added that the automatic keyword thing to the blog that I said I would at the start of the week, so that’s nice. I also updated my data with some missing bits for the models I got yesterday.

Enslaved Spirits seem so simple to paint but damn if that isn’t a lot of cloth to basecoat. They now have White Blue skin and Payne’s Grey cloth which goes together rather nicely I think. After a bit of work that’s another 5 models finished.

I know I’ve got a stack ready to paint already but built the Witchling Handlers and Witchling Thralls

Grabbed the next three models to paint. Lost Love and two Onryo

Then I finished the Lost Love instead of going to bed because I’m just that rock and roll. And now tired.