2023 Week Thirty-six Painting Blog
Hobbystreak day 247.
Printed out some containers for keeping in progress models in so that they’re all together and refreshed the desiccant with the filament because I noticed the humidity was quite high. It was a very humid day, but it’s a bit worrying that it had got that high in there and the existing desiccant was saturated.
Hobbystream day 248.
Got some of the Pro-Acryl textured basing products today, going to start on the Loonboss and base him up properly.
Hobbystreak day 249.
OK, things are going to be even slower for the next little while. This could be a problem. As long as I do something each day though…
Hobbystreak day 250.
Settled for pro-acryl olive flesh for the inside of the cloak. That’s going to need a few coats…
Hobbystreak day 251.
Doing another coat of the inside of a cloak is progress…
Hobbystreak day 252.
New hobby delivery: The new Genestealers and Lictor kits. Is it wrong that I wan to upgrade my copy of Lost Patrol with the new kits when the scouts come out? It’s not even a good game!
Hobbystreak day 253.
Could barely get into my hobby area today due to my traitor of a body letting me down, but slapped some gold on armour and brown on fur.