2024 Week twenty-four Painting Blog

🞀 🞂


Hobbystreak day 534 (Monday 17 June 2024).

Assembled the two plasma things from the new Killteam box and undercoated one of them white as a way to sort out the correct pressure for my airbrush. And not procrastination, honestly.

Built Old Hob as I’m going to be painting some rust anyway on the Gargant and may as well do both at once.


Hobbystreak day 535 (Tuesday 18 June 2024).

Because the airbrush is working find and I think I’ve found the right green I grabbed my 1:10000 Klingon Bird of Prey that I built a few months ago and gave it a quick experimental coat of paint. Model Air Green Zinc Chromate looks to be a perfect colour.

With the gluing in of magnets into the bases I finished off the two Crookskin so I can finish something it seems!


Hobbystreak day 536 (Wednesday 19 June 2024).

Did a glaze over Friar Flavious’s skin which saved it from being something I hated, so that’s nice. Then based him and called him done bar a coat of varnish because he’s resin.

Did another coat of green on the Bird of Prey then went to the model shop to grab a metal rod to use as the stand because the base that comes with it is rubbish. Went in for one thing and managed to only come out with that and a few bits of plasticard. Oh and a 1:72 kit for The Mole from Thunderbirds which is going to be a blast to weather.


Hobbystreak day 537 (Thursday 20 June 2024).

Yet another coat of green on the bird of prey as the model is so small that the light shines through the paint and gives it a slight fuzzy glow not unlike the way skin is lit when near a strong light. Should have based it with a strong black.


Hobbystreak day 538 (Friday 21 June 2024).

Did a small bit on one of the many goblins cluttering up my desk that I’ve been ignoring.


Hobbystreak day 539 (Saturday 22 June 2024).

Painted the Bird of Prey red wing bits on one of the undersides to see if I liked the shade of red.


Hobbystreak day 540 (Sunday 23 June 2024).

Did some fiddling on Friar Flavious because I’m still not 100% on his skin then played with greens to use on the Bird of Prey to give some of the panels some variation.