2024 Week twenty-two Painting Blog
Hobbystreak day 520 (Monday 3 June 2024).
Assembled a Fungoid Cave-Shaman as I work through my backlog of Stormbringer. Goblins are fun. Can I get away with airbrushing him while in a video meeting? Probably not.
Now the airbrush is working fine I should really do some scenery.
Hobbystreak day 521 (Tuesday 4 June 2024).
The trick to remaining focused, something that I’m sure it’s obvious by now that I am an absolute master of, is to not keep starting new projects so you finish the ones you have going.
In other news I started building an Ork Stompa. The hull actually went together much easier than I had been led to believe and I guess that means that I need to get my Ork army in gear now?
The thing about models this big is I don’t think I’d ever consider even touching it if I didn’t have an airbrush and it’s only because I’ve started using it as part of my day to day painting routine again that I even built the thing. I’ve only made the body and feet so far and have started base coating things with my home mixed dark rust colour. That could do with being a bit darker I think so I’ll add some more black in after I’m done.
Hobbystreak day 522 (Wednesday 5 June 2024).
Focus! I’ve got it. Assembled Ylthari’s Guardians. Anything to avoid painting 20 old goblins.
Hobbystreak day 523 (Thursday 6 June 2024).
Undercoated Ylthari’s Guardians white and the Stompa body rust brown.
I need to decide what colour/clan the Stompa should be. I’m going to paint most of it rusty and then start picking out the panels in colour so I’ve got a while to think about it.
Hobbystreak day 524 (Friday 7 June 2024).
Assembled the Stompa head and undercoated it. Then airbrushed some of the panels on the body red to see if I can get away with just doing that. Getting the hard edges to look right so they’re not just obviously airbrushed will need some masking, hopefully just by holding up a bit of card, but I don’t know if it’ll be worth it over just painting them with a brush.
Hobbystreak day 525 (Saturday 8 June 2024).
Did the wood on Ylthari’s Guardians and a bit more on the Stompa.
Hobbystreak day 526 (Sunday 9 June 2024).
Bit more Stompa work.