2023 Week Thirteen Painting Blog

🞀 🞂


Hobbystreak day 86.

Me and batch painting really don’t get on.

Finished a model though! But not the base.

Next 4 issues of Stormbringer arrived. Will cancel it if I get behind. That means 16 models to paint for it in April, but 6 of those are gold+details.


Hobbystream day 87.

Finished building the 5 Stormcast Vindictors Spear and Shield guys and the Praetor Prime (Axe with banner) from Stormcast. I’ll spray them gold the moment the weather lets me.


Hobbystreak day 88.

End of month means lots of work stuff, so less painting. Did manage to do a bit though.


Hobbystreak day 89.

So much brown for cloth. So much green for skin. Would be going faster if I was doing more than a few minutes a day.


Hobbystreak day 90.

The problem is that these models are just so… boring. There’s no flair in their design and since you’re meant to have tens of them on the table.


Hobbystreak day 91.

Got the new Malifaux starters today and it’s really showing how much more fun I find their minis than most of the GW ones these days.

I also started 3D printing a table. Because that’s a sane thing to do.


Hobbystreak day 92.

Well I did manage to finish some models this week. But not enough. Pics next week with the finished unit.