Malifaux Models
- Abomination
- Abuela Ortega
- Adze
- Aeslin
- Agent 46
- Ahool
- Aionus
- Akaname
- Alan Reid
- Alleyway Echo
- Allison Dade
- Alp
- Alphonse LeBlanc
- Alpinist
- Altus Keene
- Ama No Zako
- Amai
- Amanjaku
- Amina Naidu
- Ancient Construct
- Angel Eyes
- Angelica Durand
- Anna Lovelace
- Anya Lycarayen
- Apprentice Wesley
- Arcane Effigy
- Arcane Emissary
- Archie
- Archivist
- Arik Schöttemer
- Artemis
- Arun Rajput
- Asami Tanaka
- Ashbringer
- Ashen Core
- Ashes and Dust
- Ashigaru
- Aspiring Student
- Asura Roten
- Athorak
- Aua Warrior
- Auguste Hart
- Aunty Mel
- Austera and Twigge
- Austringer
- Autumn Knight
- Avel Ortega
- Aversion
- Baby Kade
- Backup Assistant
- Bad Juju
- Banasuva
- Bandersnatch
- Bandido
- Banjonista
- Banying
- Barbaros
- Barrelby
- Bashe
- Batsch & Amalie
- Battering Ram
- Bayou Gator
- Bayou Gremlin
- Bayou Smuggler
- Beau Fishbocker
- Beckoner
- Bellaventine Thorpe
- Bellhop Porter
- Benny Wolcomb
- Bernadette Basse
- Berserker Husk
- Bete Noire
- Big Brain Brin
- Big Jake
- Bill Algren
- Bisection
- Bishop
- Black Blood Shaman
- Blackbird
- Blessed of December
- Blood Hunter
- Blood Vessel
- Bloodwretch
- Bo Peep
- Boilermaker
- Bone Pile
- Bookkeeper
- Botanist
- Bracer
- Brass Arachnid
- Brocken Spectre
- Bruce
- Brutal Effigy
- Brutal Emissary
- Buckaroo
- Bultungin
- Bunraku
- Burt Jebsen
- Bushwhacker
- Calligrapher
- Calypso
- Camerabot
- Candy
- Canine Remains
- Captain Zipp
- Carlos Vasquez
- Carnivorous Wyrdwood
- Carrion Effigy
- Carrion Emissary
- Cassandra Felton
- Catalan Brawler
- Catalan Rifleman
- Cavatica
- Cavern Nephilim
- Cayce Jones
- Ceddra
- Changeling
- Charles Hoffman
- Charm Warder
- Cherub
- Chiaki
- Chiyo Hamasaki
- Clipper
- Clockwork Trap
- Cojo
- Colette Du Bois
- Collodi
- Commander Bura
- Convict Gunslinger
- Cooper Jones
- Coppelius
- Copycat Killer
- Cornelius Basse
- Corpse Candle
- Corpse Curator
- Corrupted Hound
- Corvis Rook
- Coryphee
- Coryphee Duet
- Crooked Man
- Crookskin
- Crooligan
- Crypsis Corps
- Cryptologist
- Cyclops
- Dabbler
- Daeva
- Damian Ravencroft
- Dapperling
- Dashel Barker
- Datsue Ba
- Dawn Serpent
- Daydream
- Deacon Hillcrest
- Dead Dandy
- Dead Doxy
- Dead Outlaw
- Dead Rider
- Death Marshal
- Death Marshal Recruiter
- December Acolyte
- Delirious Thrall
- Delirium
- Depleted
- Desolation Engine
- Desper LaRaux
- Desperate Mercenary
- Director Rodriguez
- Disease Containment Unit
- Doc Mitchell
- Domador De Cadaveres
- Domingo Montoya
- Doppleganger
- Dorian Crowe
- Dr. Beebe
- Dr. Grimwell
- Dr. McMourning
- Dr. Meredith Stanley
- Dr. Silas
- Drachen Trooper
- Draugr
- Drowned
- Drudge
- Drumstick
- Dust Storm
- Earl Burns
- Electrical Creation
- Elemental Boxer
- Elijah Borgmann
- Ella Mae Chesterfield
- Empyrean Eagle
- English Ivan
- Enslaved Nephilim
- Enslaved Spirit
- Envy
- Erymanthian Boar
- Essence of Power
- Eternal Flame
- Euripides
- Eva Havenhand
- Executioner
- Exorcist
- Eyes and Ears
- Ezekiel
- False Witness
- Ferdinand Vogel
- Fermented River Monk
- Field Reporter
- Fingers Leong
- Fire Gamin
- Fire Golem
- Firebranded
- Fitzsimmons
- Flesh Construct
- Fluffernutter
- Flying Piglet
- Forgeling
- Four Winds Golem
- Francisco Ortega
- Francois LaCroix
- Freikorps Engineer
- Freikorps Librarian
- Freikorps Scout
- Freikorpsmann
- Frontiersman
- Fuhatsu
- Fumigator
- Gaki
- Gatling Gunner
- Gautraeux Bokor
- Gearling
- Geisha
- Georgy and Olaf
- Geryon
- Ghost Eater
- Ghost Light
- Giant Leech
- Gibson DeWalt
- Gigant
- Gluttony
- Gokudo
- Good Ol' Boy
- Gorar
- Goryo
- Gracie
- Grave Golem
- Grave Goo
- Gravedigger
- Greed
- Gremlin Crier
- Grootslang
- Guard Patrol
- Guardian
- Guild Autopsy
- Guild Hound
- Guild Lawyer
- Guild Mage
- Guild Steward
- Guilty
- Gunsmith
- Gupps
- Gwisin
- Gwyll
- Gwyneth Maddox
- Habber-Dasher
- Hamelin
- Hand of Janus
- Hanged
- Hannah Lovelace
- Hans
- Harata Ngaatoro
- Hard Stop Herbert
- Harold Tull
- Harpooner
- Harris J-5
- Harrison Frodsham
- Hayreddin
- Hermits
- Hex Bow
- High River Monk
- Hildegard
- Hinamatsu
- Hoarcat
- Hodgepodge Effigy
- Hodgepodge Emissary
- Hog Whisperer
- Hog-Oil Salesman
- Hollow Waif
- Hoochdini
- Hooded Rider
- Hopeful Prospect
- Hopscotch
- Host Ducat
- Howard Langston
- Huckster
- Hungering Darkness
- Hunter
- Ice Dancer
- Ice Gamin
- Ice Golem
- Iggy
- Ikiryo
- Illuminated
- Insidious Madness
- Intrepid Effigy
- Intrepid Emissary
- Investigator
- Irena Keene
- Iron Skeeter
- Ithanna
- Izamu
- Jaakuna Ubume
- Jack Daw
- Jackalope
- Jade Rabbit
- Jakob Lynch
- Jakob Lynch
- Jebediah
- Jedza
- Jessie Halliday
- Jin Baccara
- Johan Creedy
- John Watson
- Jonathan Reichart
- Jorogumo
- Joss
- Judd & Honey
- K.O.T.O.
- Kabuki Warrior
- Kaeris
- Kainhearse
- Kaltgeist
- Kamaitachi
- Kandara
- Kang
- Kara
- Kari Zotiko
- Karina
- Kastore
- Katanaka Crime Boss
- Katanaka Sniper
- Katashiro
- Keepside Strangers
- Kenshiro
- Kentauroi
- Kett
- Killjoy
- King's Wall
- Kirai Ankoku
- Kitty Dumont
- Kiya Manimi
- Klaus Norwood
- Koji
- Komainu
- Kudra
- Kunoichi
- LaCroix Raider
- Lady Justice
- Lady Ligeia
- Lady Yume
- Lampad
- Lamplighter
- Last Bite
- Lazarus
- Leftovers
- Leger de Main
- Lelu
- Lenny Jones
- Leveticus
- Lightning Bug
- Lilith
- Lilitu
- Linh Ly
- Little Gasser
- Lohith
- Lord Chompy Bits
- Lord Cooper
- Lost Love
- Lotus Eater
- Louisa Fusi
- Low River Monk
- Lucas McCabe
- Lucius Mattheson
- Lucky Effigy
- Lucky Emissary
- Luna
- Lust
- Lyssa
- Machinist
- Mad Dog Brackett
- Madame Sybelle
- Mah Tucket
- Malifaux Child
- Malifaux Rat
- Malisaurus Rex
- Mancha Roja
- Mannequin
- Manos
- Mập Mạp
- Marathine
- Marco Bonatti
- Marcus
- Marionette
- Marlena Webster
- Mature Nephilim
- Maurice
- Maxine Agassiz
- McTavish
- Mechanical Attendant
- Mechanical Dove
- Mechanical Rider
- Mechanized Porkchop
- Mecharachnid
- Medical Automaton
- Mei Feng
- Melissa K.O.R.E.
- Merris LaCroix
- Metal Gamin
- Metal Golem
- Metallurgist
- Mikhail XVI
- Minako Rei
- Mindless Zombie
- Misaki Katanaka
- Miya Murakami
- Mobile Toolkit
- Model 9
- Moleman
- Molly Squidpiddge
- Monster Hunter
- Montresor
- Moon Shinobi
- Moorwraith
- Mortimer
- Mossbeard
- Mounted Guard
- Mourner
- Mouse
- Mr. Graves
- Mr. Mordrake
- Mr. Ngaatoro
- Mr. Tannen
- Myranda
- Mysterious Effigy
- Mysterious Emissary
- Necropunk
- Necrotic Machine
- Neil Henry
- Nekima
- Nellie Cochrane
- Newsie
- Nexus
- Nicodem
- Night Terror
- Nightcrawler Network
- Nightsilk Creeper
- Nino Ortega
- Nix
- Nocturne
- Noxious Nephilim
- Nurse
- Nurse Heartsbane
- Obedient Wretch
- Obsidian Oni
- Obsidian Statue
- Ohaguro Bettari
- Old Cranky
- Old Hob
- Old Major
- Olivia Bernard
- Onryo
- Operative
- Ophelia LaCroix
- Order Initiate
- Orderly
- Oro Boro
- Orville Agassiz
- Oskar
- Ototo
- Oxfordian Mage
- Pale Rider
- Pandora
- Papa Loco
- Paper Tiger
- Parker Barrows
- Parson
- Pathfinder
- Paul Crockett
- Peacekeeper
- Pearl Musgrove
- Penelope
- Perdita Ortega
- Pere Ravage
- Philip and the Nanny
- Phiona Gage
- Pigapult
- Piglet
- Pistolero De Latigo
- Poison Gamin
- Poltergeist
- Popcorn Turner
- Pride
- Primordial Magic
- Prof. Von Schtook
- Propagandist
- Prospector
- Purifying Flame
- Rabble Riser
- Rafkin
- Rail Worker
- Rami LaCroix
- Ramos
- Raphael LaCroix
- Rasputina
- Rat Catcher
- Rat King
- Razorspine Rattler
- Red Cap
- Research Assistant
- Restless Spirit
- Reva Cortinas
- Rifleman
- Riotbreaker
- Rock Hopper
- Rocketeer
- Rogue Necromancy
- Ronin
- Rooster Rider
- Rotten Belle
- Rougarou
- Rough Rider
- Ruffian
- Ruffles
- Runaway
- Rusty Alyce
- Ryle Hoffman
- Sabertooth Cerberus
- Saboteur
- Samael Hopkins
- Sammy LaCroix
- Samurai
- Sanctioned Spellcaster
- Sand Worm
- Sandeep Desai
- Santiago Ortega
- Sapper
- Scales of Justice
- Scavenger
- Scion of the Void
- Seamus
- Sebastian
- Seishin
- Sen
- Sensei Yu
- Serena Bowman
- Sergeant
- Shadow Effigy
- Shadow Emissary
- Shadowlark
- Shambling Nest
- Shang
- Shastar Vidiya Guard
- Shenlong
- Shieldbearer
- Shikome
- Shojo
- Showgirl
- Sidir Alchibal
- Sightless Snow
- Silent One
- Silurid
- Sir Vantes
- Six Armed Six-Shooter
- Skeeter
- Skulker Skin
- Slate Ridge Mauler
- Slipstreamer
- Slop Hauler
- Sloth
- Sly "Six-Shots"
- Snow Storm
- Som'er Teeth Jones
- Sonnia Criid
- Sophie
- Sorrow
- Soul Battery
- Soul Porter
- Soulstone Gamin
- Soulstone Miner
- Sovereign
- Sparks LeBlanc
- Spawn Mother
- Spelleater
- Spit Hog
- Squealer
- Squish and Squash
- Steam Arachnid
- Steam Arachnid Swarm
- Steam Trunk
- Stitched Together
- Stolen
- Story of Raijin
- Story of Sūn Wùkōng
- Story of Suzaku
- Story of Thánh Gióng
- Student of Conflict
- Student of Sinew
- Student of Steel
- Student of Viscera
- Stuffed Piglet
- Stumpy
- Sue
- Sun Quiang
- Sunless Self
- Surveyor
- Survivor
- Swashbuckler
- Swine Twirler
- Swine-Cursed
- Taelor
- Taggart Queeg
- Talos
- Tannenbaum
- Tanuki
- Tara
- Taxidermist
- Teddy
- Ten Thunders Brother
- Tengu
- Terracotta Warrior
- Terror Tot
- Test Subject
- Thalarian Queller
- The Bad Omen
- The Beast Within
- The Brewmaster
- The Captain
- The Carver
- The Clampetts
- The Damned
- The Dispatcher
- The Dreamer
- The Ferryman
- The Firestarter
- The First Light
- The First Mate
- The Forgotten Marshal
- The Harvestman
- The Iron Matron
- The Judge
- The Jury
- The Kurgan
- The Leech King
- The Little Lass
- The Lone Marshal
- The Lone Swordsman
- The Midnight Stalker
- The Nothing Beast
- The Printing Press
- The Puzzle Box
- The Scorpius
- The Scribe
- The Sow
- The Strange Lady
- The Syzygy Sisters
- The Valedictorian
- Thirty-Three
- Thoon
- Thunder Archer
- Tidecaller
- Tiri
- Titania
- Toast
- Toni Ironsides
- Torakage
- Toshiro
- Trained Raptor
- Trial and Error
- Trixiebelle
- Tuco Ortega
- Tunnel Rats
- Ulix Turner
- Ullr
- Uncle Bogg
- Undercover Reporter
- Undergraduate
- Union Miner
- Union Steamfitter
- Unseelie Engine
- Urnbearer
- Vanessa Chambers
- Vasilisa
- Vatagi Huntsman
- Vee
- Vernon and Welles
- Viktoria Chambers
- Vincent St. Clair
- Void Hunter
- Void Wretch
- Von Schill
- Voodoo Doll
- Vulture
- Waldgeist
- Walking Cannon
- Wandering River Monk
- Wanyudo
- War Pig
- Warden
- Watcher
- Wendigo
- Whiskey Gamin
- Whiskey Golem
- White Eyes
- White Rabbit Co.
- Wicked Doll
- Widow Weaver
- Wild Boar
- Will o' the Wisp
- Willie
- Wind Gamin
- Winged Plague
- Winston Finnigan
- Witchling Handler
- Witchling Stalker
- Witchling Thrall
- Wokou Raider
- Wong
- Wrastler
- Wrath
- Yaksha
- Yamaziko
- Yan Lo
- Yannic Waller
- Yasunori
- Yin
- Yokai
- Youko Hamasaki
- Young LaCroix
- Young Nephilim
- Zheng
- Zombie Chihuahua
- Zoraida