Tactical Marine Strike Team

The compendium teams don’t really interest me, but but when the new plastic Mark VI marines released for Horus Heresy I wanted to put a Tactical Marine team together because my first ever GW plastic kit was RT01.

You can put most of the options together from the available upgrades. The heavy weapons and most of the special weapons are all available except the grav gun, and I didn’t bother looking too hard at the Sergeant options beyond plasma pistol.

I’m painting them in a kind of quick way with the Imperial Fist contrast paint. Coverage on large armour plates is a problem though, so I’m going over those in Pro-Acryl Warm Yellow.

Eyes are Green Stuff World Fluorescent Red over the yellow contrast.

Black is Pro-Acryl Coal Black. The larger areas like the missile launcher had Warm Grey added to break up the panels

Tactical Marine with Bolter

Imperial Fist with Bolter

Tactical Marine with Missile Launcher

Imperial Fist with Bolter