2024 Week two Painting Blog

🞀 🞂


Hobbystreak day 380 (15 January 2024).

Kill Team: Salvation came today so I assembled the scenery to paint with the rest. I like the upping of game aids you get with the set. I’m a big fan of having the cards available and the appropriate tokens are nice as well, even if you could just print your own for all of them.


Hobbystreak day 381 (16 January 2024).

Last two marines on the killteam are on the desk but their cloaks are eating up a lot of time.


Hobbystreak day 382 (17 January 2024).

More details on the marines.


Hobbystreak day 383 (18 January 2024).

Busy with work again which is eating up all my spare brain time but I did basecoat the leather and plasma on the marines. They need a bit of highlighting and then the green does and then they’re done.


Hobbystreak day 384 (19 January 2024).

Birthday painting means going off to the beach instead. This would be better if I wasn’t in North Wales where yesterday the hail was large enough to actually hurt.

Did some more touching up on the marines. Almost ready to highlight their armour now.


Hobbystreak day 385 (20 January 2024).

Ordered the new Deathwing box within the first 30 seconds of it being on sale. If of course sold old after that.

I finished assembling the Dire Avengers and undercoated them ready for next week because we’re about to have another storm and undercoating gets tricky then.


Hobbystreak day 386 (21 January 2024).

Finished the marines and then started on the Dire Avengers. Pro-Acryl blue, which I’ll shade down a bit in places I think.