2024 Week one Painting Blog

🞀 🞂


Hobbystreak day 366 (01 January 2024).

New year, more models. So what’s on the painting table at the start of the year? There’s 4 Space Marines from the Warhammer Heroes Kill Team. I also have Ulix Turner almost finished after neglecting him for ages. That’s five models right there.

I’ve also started building the next project, which is a box of five Dire Avengers for the Blades of Khain killteam. It’s not out yet, but I have them and some Howling Banshees to build so I can get a headstart on the options for that team that aren’t in the box. Hopefully I can get them undercoated before I need to start them, but that depends on the weather not actually being constant storms.

Painting wise I did a bunch on the heavy bolter marine. Still experimenting on how to highlight Dark Angels without going all out on edge highlighting. Did a bit of wet blending this time, which knowing me won’t be enough to pick up on camera.


Hobbystreak day 367 (02 January 2024).

More work on the bolter marine. Just need to pick off the details now.


Hobbystreak day 368 (03 January 2024).

Finished Brother Acules


Hobbystreak day 369 (04 January 2024).

Finished off Ulix Turner .


Hobbystreak day 370 (05 January 2024).

More marines! Made them all as green as green can be.


Hobbystreak day 371 (06 January 2024).

Light coloured cloaks over black is a lot of coats. Thanks to Pro-Acryl Titanium White it’s not as many as it could be. Two of the marines have cloaks.


Hobbystreak day 372 (07 January 2024).

Painted the white cloaks an ivory colour. Only managed to get loads on the dark green which now needs touching up